Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fabrice Portes is still waiting for you to join Twitter...

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Fabrice Portes is still waiting for you to join Twitter...

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fabrice Portes sent you an invitation

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Fabrice Portes has invited you to join Twitter!

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Oppat. ABI results.
Routine BP check 114 / 62 avg

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Picking up the pace

Yesterday was sunny and a finally a perfect evening for a bike ride. I was feeling good and had my heart rate monitor. Light tailwind help me push the pace a little bit without forcing.
Nice loop around Bloomfield Hills with a few dirt roads and side paths for a total of 24 miles in 1:50.
A couple short incursion in 130s zone made me realize that the healing is not complete yet as I had some numbness (?).
I want to be patient but with the improving weather, I really crave to ride.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30th, second ride (and still waiting for Spring)

Rode the S100 around Wabeek with Pauline , meaning some climbing but 4 miles only.
Left leg feels only slightly different, like numb but only on some spots. Standing up feels really good.
So i continued and went to Birmingham taking a longer route, for a total of 16 miles and 80 minutes.
The thing is, I don't know what intensity I can put. Since there is no pain or adverse feeling, I have to limit myself without any feedback.
So, I made some more research on the web, in French this time, and it confused me even more. Some guys stopped all activity for 45 days, some for only a couple of weeks.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday April 24th, first ride !

So, this morning, we were off to Island Lake Recreation Area with the family. This is a very mellow single track, 13 miles long but with only a few hills.
I had prepared my bike by rising the handlebar by about 3 cm so I would be less bent over.
We warmed-up for 3 miles on the paved path before arriving at the trailhead were the singletrack starts. At this point I let them go and I was going to stay on the pavement and do my own very easy ride. But, since I know every turn and up and down of the trail and it crosses the road at several places, i managed to ride several sections of the trail while avoiding the major difficulties. Since I was alone I was really controlling my pace.
Turns out it was a blast. With my full suspension Superfly, i was barely making any effort. The few hills I did, I climbed them on the granny gear and i did not let my heart go up did not break any sweat (well temperature was in the mid 50s only).
It was good to turn the legs, even at low speed. I did 14 miles in one hour and a half of riding. Besides the shorts rubbing on the incision, still sensitive from that strips irritation i developed, it did not have any pain or strange feeling or anything. Of course, I did not try to push and I am sure I was below 120 bpm the whole time.
I felt rusted and not flowing but I think this is due to the fact I haven't done any singletrack since November or December, before the first snowfall.
I am not sure what to do next but I think I will do hour long rides on the Superfly with very gradual intensity increase. I will wear the HRM so I can keep HR in check.
My next appointment with Dr Oppat is in about 4 weeks and he asked me not to push until then. The only risk he mentioned was about the stitches, he wanted to make sure I was going to let them heal fully before putting stress on them.
That's OK with me, that will be perfect for going out with Pauline.

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 14th, first trainer ride

First day on the trainer since the eiae surgery. 30 mins at 13mph, low cadence 60 rpm.
Difficult to pedal and hold the handlebar. Did not want to push at all. Strange feeling of knowing you have a plastic tube bending in your belly.